GEC student wins TCS TechBytes Mysuru regional finals, enhancing IT understanding for engineering students through interactive quiz contest.
As part of activities marking Ghana’s 68th Independence Day celebration, the National Commission for Civic Education (NCCE), ...
NY Western District 4-H Dairy Quiz Bowl Contest was held recently at Pioneer Middle School in Cattaraugus County. A total of ...
The Effia-Kwesimintsim Municipal Directorate of the National Commission for Civic Education (NCCE) has organised a quiz ...
This week's question: An amateur photographer in Ontario went viral after capturing images of a 20-minute battle between a ...
In the fast-paced, quiz-style format, teams compete in a double-elimination tournament style contest, testing their livestock ...
(b) On each weekday during Contest Period, listeners can take part in the following quiz (the “Quiz”): (i) Listeners will have to listen out for the “Quiz Question” which may ...
NHPC conducted the second edition of ‘Gyanankan – The Business Quiz,’ aimed at encouraging employees to stay informed about ...
The Chase fans were left underwhelmed by the latest episode of the ITV quiz show as they took to social media to complain ...
Robinhood Trivia drew in nearly 400,000 players Wednesday as the fintech firm provided a total prize pool of $1 million in ...