The discovery could pave the way for a groundbreaking RNA-based multi-cancer treatment. Alternative RNA splicing functions ...
A new study led by scientists at The Wistar Institute, in collaboration with the University of Pennsylvania Perelman School ...
A team of researchers has identified a mechanism that regulates the production of two different proteins from the same gene.
A team of researchers from the Institute for Neurosciences, a joint center of the Spanish National Research Council (CSIC) and the Miguel Hernández University (UMH) of Elche, in collaboration with ...
为探究 4 - 乙烯基环己烯二氧化物(VCD)对卵巢自噬的影响,研究发现其下调 IGF1R 引发过度自噬致卵巢早衰,意义重大。 研究人员主要运用了以下几种关键技术方法:通过构建小鼠模型,给 6 周龄的 C57BL/6 小鼠连续 15 天腹腔注射 VCD,模拟卵巢早衰情况;使用细胞培养技术培养人颗粒细胞样肿瘤细胞系 KGN 细胞,并对其进行 VCD 处理;采用转录组测序(RNA-Seq)分析 VCD ...
In January, a new study claimed that vaccines may cause autism and other psychiatric or neurological disorders. Elsewhere, I ...
This A-List features two lists of sequencing instrument providers: eight for NGS instruments and three for Sanger ...