The overclocked TUF Gaming Radeon RX 9070 is a powerful 1440p card, but it's pricey and faces stiff competition, including ...
The ASUS TUF Gaming GeForce RTX 5070's revamped design is a winner. Built for overclocking, it offers faster performance than the Founders Edition model while benefiting from fantastic features ...
One of the most obvious comparisons has to be how it fares against the flagship model of the 40-series, the RTX 4090, which was previously the best graphics card but has now been overtaken. We ...
We tested out the latest GPU from Nvidia, the RTX 5070 Founders Edition, to put the claims of 4090 Performance through its ...
That being said, there are options like the ASUS TUF RTX 5070 Ti available on Best Buy, but it costs $979.99, at which point you might as well wait and try to grab an RTX 5080. On the other hand, the ...
在实际性能表现上,RTX 5070Ti展现出了无与伦比的能力。在基准测试中,这款显卡普遍提高了25%至35%,尤其是在游戏性能上,RTX 5070Ti在4K分辨率下表现出众。测试显示,在《赛博朋克2077》中,以2K分辨率运行时,RTX 5070Ti的帧数达到了惊人的131fps,证明了它能够满足高质量的游戏需求。在开启光追效果和DLSS ...
落后于前代产品RTX 4090。 PassMark的数据显示,RTX 5090最初在测试中比RTX 4090高出2.85%,但随着测试样本增加,RTX 5090的平均得分从39516下降到38048 ...
自英伟达推出RTX 5070 Ti显卡以来,市场对其的讨论热度居高不下,甚至超越了其高端型号RTX 5090。这背后不难理解,RTX 5090的高昂售价(超过两万元)让许多玩家望而却步,而RTX 5070 ...
自从英伟达发布了RTX 5070Ti显卡,这款产品便成为了市场上的热议话题,甚至在讨论热度上超越了其高端型号RTX 5090。造成这一现象的原因不难理解,RTX 5090的惊人价格(超出两万元)让很多玩家望而却步,而RTX 5070Ti则以约六千元的更亲民价格吸引了许多游戏爱好者。然而,即便RTX 5070Ti的正式发售已有一个月之久,其市场价格依然在七千至八千元徘徊,较官方建议售价高出20-30 ...
据中关村在线报道,RTX 5090在本月早些时候位居PassMark基准测试排名的榜首,但如今却退居第二位,被其前代产品RTX 4090反超。 根据PassMark的数据统计,RTX 5090最初的成绩比RTX 4090高出2.85%。然而,随着测试样本的增加,RTX 5090的平均得分从39516下降至38048,降幅约为3 ...
从RTX 5070Ti的实际表现来看,DLSS 4.0的大力出奇迹,配合16G显存,确实让这款显卡具备挑战4K光追全开的能力,单看帧数表现的话甚至超过了RTX 4090,只能说老黄确实没有忽悠人,就看大家是否愿意为了帧数牺牲部分画质了。