The Deterministic Random Bit Generator is an essential silicon-proven digital IP core for all FPGA, ASIC and SoC designs that targets cryptographically secured applications. It is a deterministic ...
Takes place on an N-Dimensional lattice Using a random number generator seeded by a password, a point on this lattice is randomly chosen for each character input that is dependant on that last random ...
In random sequential covering (RSC), identical objects are deposited randomly, irreversibly, and sequentially; only attempts that increase coverage are accepted. The process continues indefinitely on ...
In this context, the MacWilliams identity is the finite analog of the Jacobi-Poisson summation formula of the theta function. Motivated by the random lattice theory, the statistical significance of ...
Measuring shot noise without external influences is not easy. In a metal, the vibration of the atoms’ lattice can push ...
A decade-long effort to simulate QED on a two-dimensional lattice has now succeeded ... Measurements on quantum particles produce random outcomes whose correlations can sometimes never be ...