These movies have held up over time. "Prepare for glory!" "Ain't war hell!" Head into the frontlines... "Earn this. Earn it." Many good things came out of the '90s, including essential war movies ...
“It’s crazy to think you can make something that lasts between 30 and 90 seconds, and costs 40 times more than your movies, ...
Midori Kato is the last original member of the cast of “Sazae-san,” a cartoon series that premiered in 1969 and never quite joined the modern world. Lena Schilling, the youngest lawmaker in ...
Exciting news: has merged with! That means that as well as keeping up with all the latest news and features you love from Metro Newspaper you’ll also be joining the 23 ...
Sinking yields lessened the intense pressure on EM currencies, pressure which had forced 'doom loop' EM currency intervention ...
The body of a beluga whale suspected of being trained as a spy by Russia has been found ...