Dama Khonde and Nelly Makazi attend to mangrove nursery seedlings at River Sabaki estuary in Magarini,Kilifi county. [File, Standard] Joseph Mwandenge's footsteps echoed through the sun-dappled ...
The Nova Pioneer School bus overturned along Mombasa Road in Sabaki. Athi River South subcounty police commander Philis ...
Several pupils were injured after a bus belonging to Nova Pioneer School overturned along Mombasa Road. The incident occurred on Tuesday morning, March 25, in the Sabaki area within Athi River, ...
Several pupils were on Tuesday morning injured after they were involved in a road accident along the Mombasa Road in the ...
今天的马林迪市内的老城遗址和附近的曼布鲁伊遗址正好处于萨巴基河(Sabaki River)河口的等距两端。两地地表至今均存有镶嵌中国明代瓷片的高大柱墓。因此,考古队将考古工作的重点定为曼布鲁伊遗址和马林迪老城遗址,在前者的12处地点、后者的5处地点 ...
Shieldinch is never short of drama. Love, laughs, death and disaster are all part of living on Montego Street.