Beezaasan Explotech's SME IPO, open until February 25, saw 73% overall subscription by Day 2, led by QIBs at 1.5 times. The Rs 60 crore issue, priced at Rs 165-175 per share, is a fresh equity sale of ...
Election for Jain Yuvak Sangh was held here today during general body meeting of the Sangh. Neerav Jain was unanimously elected as president of the Sangh while Saurabh Jain was elected as vice ...
Samajwadi Party member Abu Azmi's praise for Aurangzeb drew sharp criticism from various corners with Uttar Pradesh Chief ...
Revised: This Reviewed Preprint has been revised by the authors in response to the previous round of peer review; the eLife assessment and the public reviews have been updated where necessary by the ...
A representative example of diaphragm EMG activity before and after application of the J60 DREADD ligand is shown in the top panel. Examples of the individual inspiratory EMG bursts at baseline (a), ...