Tokyo-based startup ArkEdge Space claims it has snapped what is “probably” the highest quality images of Earth taken by a ...
Unusual weather patterns and climate change have been driving stark changes in the northwestern state. Now, new satellite ...
China is believed to be building a large laser-ignited fusion research center, according to experts at @CNA_org and ...
BEIJING -- Chinese researchers have unveiled a novel application of the Earth science satellite SDGSAT-1 for observing ...
Scientists used aircraft and satellites to track biodiversity, helping improve conservation and space research.
The second stage of SpaceX's Falcon 9 rocket captured an amazing view of Earth during the launch of the Intelsat 40e ...
WASHINGTON, (Reuters) - President Donald Trump's nominee as Air Force Secretary, currently a top official at the national spy ...
The startup’s next step is launching two fully operational satellites this year, with an ambition to build in-orbit computing ...
Space debris from rocket bodies orbiting Earth could pose an increased threat of striking aircraft as it falls from space, ...
Moving forward, the federal government should take the time to carefully consider the merits of next-generation satellite ...
Onglaisat, an acronym of “onboard globe-looking and imaging satellite,” mounts TASA’s optical equipment on a cubesat about ...