MUSCAT: Sayyid Badr bin Hamad al Busaidy, Foreign Minister, received on Thursday, separately, a copy of credentials of Shri G ...
总台记者 获悉,当地时间3月17日,黎巴嫩军队与叙利亚武装人员在叙黎边境城镇哈乌什·赛义德·阿里(Hawsh al-Sayyid Ali)爆发激烈冲突,并使用了重型武器。为了应对不断升级的暴力事件,黎巴嫩军队的增援部队已经抵达黎叙边境。
Can we consider Sayyid Qutb's political and religious analysis, as well as his formative background, a concrete counter-hegemonic narrative? Was the narrative of Rashid Rida and Hasan al-Banna solidly ...
LBCI has obtained exclusive images from inside the town of Hawsh al-Sayyid Ali following the Lebanese Army's deployment in ...
Syrian troops gather in the village of Hawsh al-Sayyid Ali, located 2 km (1.24 miles) from the Lebanon border, Syria, Monday, ...