it is to the lessons for self-defense that this episode supplies to which I draw the reader’s attention. Advertisement First, those of Neely’s apologists who now say that Penny’s actions ...
This is stupid. It is reckless. Any self-defense instructor, law enforcement officer, politician, or media personality who so much as thinks this, much less says it aloud (as Neely’s apologists ...
TOKYO -- Japan will create a new maritime transport unit in its Self-Defense Forces (SDF) in March as it looks to boost defense of its chain of southern islands reaching down to Okinawa prefecture ...
Actress Judy Ann Santos said her greatest fear as a mom is for something bad to happen to her three children, and she’s not physically present to protect them. As much as possible, Santos wants ...
Analysts are examining both instances — however different — as examples of self-inflicted wounds to democracy, and mining them for lessons about how to prevent them from recurring ... "Civil society ...