Born Again," Matt Murdock uses the language of virtue ethics to defend a client accused of murder. Does he have a good case?
While shopping malls have been hit with hard times due to the ease of online shopping, back around the turn of the 21st century, they were desirable places to go and hang out — so bustling and packed ...
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However, there is a school of thought called situationism that would support the district attorney’s argument, at least in theory. Situationists maintain that behavior is influenced much less by ...
The Internationalist Communist Tendency consists of (unsurprisingly!) not-for-profit organisations. We have no so-called “professional revolutionaries”, nor paid officials. Our sole funding comes from ...
The same bifurcation, however, can be found on the Left. If we look at great modern historians of the Left, we find complete indifference to the role of ideas in Fernand Braudel, contrasted with ...
‘The society of the spectacle’ is a phrase that has passed, in France, and I suppose elsewhere, into common parlance. The recent death of Guy Debord has had a share in giving to his work of 1967, and ...