A 16-year-old was riding a snowmobile in the Kenai Mountains when he was swept away and buried, officials said.
This is a biweekly column about all things skiing and snowboarding in New England. SPRINGFIELD – When teaching young children ...
Styzer is a parent volunteer, as well as the Keene Youth Commission’s Nordic Program Coordinator. "It’s really fun chaos!" ...
In rural corners of Colorado’s mountains, local skiers find affordable turns on small hills owned by local municipalities.
Roberts feels persevering through the early struggles of learning to ski will help the teens build confidence and benefit them as they face other challenges. The program will run through March.
Revelstoke Mountain Resort, British Columbia, is offering a great grom-friendly deal this spring.
Foresight Ski Guides offers guides and support for visually impaired people of all ages to ski and do other outdoor ...
We apologize, but this video has failed to load. Try refreshing your browser, or tap here to see other videos from our team. Teaching your kids to ski or snowboard is no easy feat and comes with ...