I've recently noticed a lot of fantasy games being compared unfairly to Skyrim, despite now even trying to emulate it, and it ...
G aming is arguably the best medium for true escapism from the modern world, as it allows consumers to fully lose themselves ...
What are the Skyrim console commands and cheats? The Elder Scrolls V has a lot going on under the hood, and if you’re feeling a bit technical, you can use debugging tools to change the fantasy ...
Todd Howard introduced The Elder Scrolls 6 teaser trailer at E3 in 2018. Study it as closely as you dare. Really drink it in. Because this first glimpse is going to be the last official look at ...
This cozy game by former Astroneer developers features Animal Crossing-like furries and chonky cows.
Horned Dorset flock for sale! 18 breeding ewes, 3 fall ewe lambs and 1 ram. Nice old style shape, good moms. Selected for parasite resistance. All registered. Selling for medical reasons, these are ...
Tainted Grail The Fall of Avalon's new update is a monster, teeing it up for a 1.0 launch with heaps of new content and ...
A heartfelt adventure about ferrying lost souls to the afterlife may not seem like a relaxing escape, but wait until you play ...
So his ascetic lifestyle is also the result of not just poverty but also a choice to be as far away from material gains as possible. As Tien does have a Dojo and also practices farming, he is better ...
Of course, farming and marriage candidates are also in this game, too. Basically, there's tons to look forward to and we can't wait to find out more details as more trailers head our way.
Farming at home, farming on the go ... in the first Legend of Zelda game along with concepts expanded on by Skyrim and other modern open-world RPGs and Nintendoizes them, distilling them into ...
The Nintendo Switch has had a lot of success in the many years since its release. The console-handheld hybrid has been on the market since 2017, and a slew of fantastic games from first- and third ...