While the above are the top five carry heroes in Dota 2 at the time of writing, they are not the be-all-end-all in the meta. Other heroes in the carry role that are worth mentioning currently include ...
When asked about the next big hero in Dota 2, Chuan responded very simply: "Slark." 1437: The investigator In a Skype interview with the GD Studio, 1437 was asked for his opinions on Slark. His ...
Here are the top five most impactful Dota 2 heroes at DreamLeague Season 25 after the Dota 2 Update 7.38 went live.
The only heroes with even better win rates are Slark and Silencer, both receiving their fair amount of buffs in 7.30, and given their dominance in both pub matches and the few professional games ...