BEIJING, March 13 (Xinhua) -- Two reports approved Tuesday at the third session of the 14th National People's Congress were released in full via Xinhua News Agency on Thursday.
SAN FRANCISCO, March 28 (Xinhua) -- Elon Musk said on Friday that his startup xAI has merged with his social media platform X in an all-stock transaction.
国际社会工作者联合会(IFSW),发布了2025年世界社工日海报,将2025年世界社工日的主题定为“Strengthening Intergenerational Solidarity for Enduring Wellbeing”,翻译成中文,即为 ... — 唐纳德·特朗普总统决定撤回对众议员伊莉斯·斯特凡尼克担任美国驻联合国大使的提名。这一决定于周四通过Truth Social平台公布。撤回提名的原因是共和党在众议院的微弱优势,特朗普不希望因创造空缺而使这一优势面临风险。
China's economy has maintained strong momentum in the first two months, while a comprehensive initiative was unveiled to ... — 美国总统唐纳德·特朗普威胁称,如果加拿大和欧盟对美国造成"经济损害",他将对这两个地区实施更高的关税。 周四,特朗普在Truth ...
目前,陇南市个体私营砂场全部退出。另外,按照“采、洗、堆分离”“绿色生产”等标准,陇南市规划标准化采砂园区46座,已建成12座。并授权市属国有企业——陇南市龙嘉水务投资有限公司具体负责河道砂石资源统一经营,将11条市管河流及白龙江干流12座水电站库区 ...
China has made significant progress in pursuing sustainable development and human rights protection in recent years, experts ...
Multi-award winning newscast on ABS-CBN and ANC, The World Tonight delivers the top stories of the day, covering political, economic, and social sectors on both local and global fronts.
Multi-award winning newscast on ABS-CBN and ANC, The World Tonight delivers the top stories of the day, covering political, economic, and social sectors on both local and global fronts.
China stepped up its greening efforts last year, planting nearly 4.5 million hectares of forest, a report from the National Greening Commission said on March 12, which was also the 47th National Tree ...
With the conclusion of the China Development Forum (CDF), one of the country's major international event, China ushers in its ...