It contains several large rivers that discharge into the Pacific Ocean. Figure R2 Contextual map of the South East Queensland region The South East Queensland region covered in this report includes ...
Water resource plans may be prepared for, but are not limited to, the purposes listed under s. 38(3) of the Water Act. There are water resource plans in place to manage water across the entire South ...
Brisbane residents have been warned of flooding ahead of a high tide next week as heavy rain continues to fall across south-east Queensland. More than 50mm has fallen on the state’s capital on ...
If there was ever a time to shop local, it's always. Plenty of the South East Queensland region's top local creators, producers, farmers and makers can be found at markets in Brisbane/Meanjin every ...
Douglas Shire can spare a thought for those in Townsville and Ingham hit hardest by flooding which continues to cause issues for supermarket transport throughout Far North Queensland. In scenes ...
Aside from the flooding to the north, south-east Queensland faced its own flood threat when three extreme events combined to overwhelm the Wivenhoe Dam. The first was a large volume of water flowing ...