Numerous mechanism and structural studies reported the cooperative role of Oct4 and Sox2 during the establishment of pluripotency during reprogramming. Due to the difficulty in sample collection and ...
This study presents a valuable finding on how the interplay between transcription factors SOX2 and OCT4 establishes the pluripotency network in early mouse embryos. The evidence supporting the claims ...
The second act of a popular reprogramming factor could maximize the potential of iPSCs in research and regenerative medicine.
科学家只是用哺乳动物通用的毛发基因玩了一场「乐高拼装」。例如,敲除 Fgf5 基因延长毛发生长周期,修改 Krt27 基因模拟猛犸象的波浪形毛发,而突变的 FZD6 基因则让毛发蓬松如绒。
在 MDA - MB - 231 细胞中,沉默 FBF1 后,干细胞标记物 SOX2、OCT4、KLF4 和 NANOG 的水平下降,侧群(SP)比例降低,球体形成能力受到抑制,EMT 相关蛋白 Vimentin 的表达减少,细胞迁移能力也明显下降。而在 T47D 和 MCF7 细胞中过表达 FBF1 时,情况则相反,SP 细胞比例 ...
“We were able to get to yields where we could ask questions about whether these cells can be viable candidates for the cell ...
This review highlights the critical role of ubiquitination in governing the functionality of cancer stem cells (CSCs), ...
This review highlights the critical role of ubiquitination in governing the functionality of cancer stem cells (CSCs), ...
The secretome of the DPSCs culture was examined for TNF-α, IFN-γ, IGF, and VEGF, examination of SOX2 and Oct4, and Wnt differentiation markers by ELISA. Statistical analysis used ANOVA and continued ...
This review highlights the critical role of ubiquitination in governing the functionality of cancer stem cells (CSCs), shedding light on potential therapeutic targets for combating tumor progression, ...