Stoicism, a school of thought born in ancient Greece over 2,000 years ago, has surged in popularity, with platforms like Reddit and X reporting a staggering 400 percent growth in Stoicism-related ...
Bring forth what thou wilt." Christian belief leads to a stoicism regardless of the most horrible consequences and Christian martyrdom remains with us today, more than at any other time in history.
The ancient Greek Stoic philosopher, Epictetus, was born into slavery, but his study of Stoicism earned him his freedom to later become an influential Stoic. Engraving (cropped) by Dutch Illustrator ...
As expected, higher levels of spite were associated with a stronger belief in conspiracy theories, and spite mediated the relationship between conspiracy theory belief and the three established ...
A new campaign is being launched this month to tackle male suicide. The NHS in Lancashire and South Cumbria is taking action after it was revealed that suicide rates in the North West are the highest ...