Baca berita dengan sedikit iklan, klik di sini Para ilmuwan menemukan kedua cacing berusia 40.000 tahun setelah mengambil dan menganalisa lebih dari 300 sampel dari tanah permafrost. Salah satu cacing ...
“We're in that period of time now,” she said, “where the changes are so erratic and so extreme, there's a good chance your sites will either be burned, actively on fire or flooded because the ...
The Siberian permafrost, which includes areas in northern Canada, Alaska, and Greenland, has been host to other incredible archaeological finds in the past. In fact, the team responsible for the ...
By documenting Alaska's lakes and ponds in unprecedented detail, Levenson and colleagues show where and how water bodies can signal underlying permafrost thaw, providing a step toward a ...
Namun, permafrost yang terus mencair memberikan ruang bagi mikroba untuk berkembang biak dan menguraikan bahan organik yang terkubur. Akibatnya, karbon yang terperangkap dalam tanah dilepaskan kem ...