Massimo Faggioli's new book asks the question: "What is [theology’s] intrinsic value if it is not rooted somehow to the ...
Catherine Mowry LaCugna, who died in 1997 at only 44 years of age, brought new life to Trinitarian theology and inspired a ...
You’ve seen the play, now read the book.” The ad, plastered on taxis, was for the Broadway play The Book of Mormon.
Churches, ministries, seminaries, and universities around the world struggle to access Christian material. BiblioTech wants ...
Conspiracy theories, such as claims that Jews are part of a “globalist elite” that controls world affairs. Apocalyptic ...
In theology, the words 'relationship with the Lord' conveys the most outrageous idea ... pastoral letters from disciples, apocalyptic. There is no definition to this. When two people fall in love, ...
North Park Theological Seminary (NPTS) and Seminary Now announce the release of a new streaming video course featuring Dr. Max Lee, the Paul W. Brandel Chair of Biblical Studies at NPTS. Titled ...
Many highly trained theological graduates are leaving the Caribbean due to economic and political challenges, contributing to ...
COMMENTARY: The synodal process is being positioned as a kind of capstone project for the entire Francis papacy.
In theology, the words 'End Times' conveys an undisputed truth that there will come a time when all that we know will end. This is not only a theological theme as it is conveyed in the environmental ...
At the International Congress on the Future of Theology convened in Rome in December 2024 ... and to be recognized as productive workers in our own right and on equal terms with men. Women want ...
I posted to Facebook a link to my BNG article about that report and the danger of abusive hierarchy, my phone rang.