The Electronic Lien Titling Program (ELT) is now live. The Electronic Lien Titling Program allows lenders to receive lien and title information electronically, eliminating the need for paper titles.
An affidavit pertaining to Dudley’s arrest has been sealed by the court. Dudley is next scheduled to appear in court for a preliminary hearing on April 8. Correction: An earlier version of this ...
It was continued to Thursday. The probable cause arrest affidavit describes Giancola as autistic and says he had mental health issues that included hearing voices. It also lays out his alleged ...
Kirk and McKenzie had been asked to leave a Munster festival after getting into a fight less than an hour prior, according to a probable cause affidavit. Johnson and McKenzie aimed their ...
18, 2023, during a verbal altercation inside his home in the 2000 block of Shelby Street, according to a probable cause affidavit ... years in the Department of Correction for the manslaughter ...
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A. That title I didn’t give myself. You keep calling me that, so ask yourself. Q. But do you work like a dictator? A. No, I believe in democracy and take everyone’s views into account. Q. It is often ...