微信推送规则改版了,未被星标的公众号文章无法展示完整封面,很容易错过。为防走丢,小伙伴们都加个星标吧,步骤如下~ 家有学步期宝宝,家长可能经常会看到这一幕:孩子摇晃着站起,或扶着墙,或牵着大人,随后脚跟抬起、脚尖点地,像小猫似的“走猫步”。
Our team has tested tons of gear to come up with the best wide toe box walking shoes! If you’ve ever dealt with blisters or sore feet after long hours of walking or standing, I hate to say it ...
Background: Idiopathic Toe Walking (ITW) is present in children older than 3 years of age still walking on their toes without signs of neurological, orthopaedic or psychiatric diseases.