The tree of knowledge of good and evil, which seemed good in Eve’s eyes, led to death instead of life. In a moment of ...
In the presentation, titled ‘Aniconic to the Iconic’, Jawhar Sircar explained how the evolution of a deity in Hinduism also ...
S ome see Joshua Tree as just another desert landscape, but others swear it is a spiritual vortex with an energy unlike ...
Cocoa, known as the 'Food of Gods', is revered for its rich flavor and nutritional benefits. Derived from the cacao tree, it ...
Have you ever looked at a picture for a couple of seconds, only to discover there's more to it than you see? Optical ...
A mother in North Carolina identified her two young children who were killed after a tree fell on their home during an ...
Kaley York, the woman's graddaughter who lives next door, told 11Alive about the harrowing situation as their homes were ...
“We need prayers and to be strong,” Sharon Leviskia told NBC affiliate WSFA after her sons Josiah, 13, and Joshua, 11, died. Sharon and her husband, Nathaniel Leviskia, survived the accident, along ...
It reminds us of all that is beautiful, all that is filled with the gentleness and the promise of God. It stands in our midst as a tree of light, that we might promise such beauty to one another ...
The WGAL News 8 Storm Team pulled the data going all the way back to 1935 to show how each month stacks up when it comes to ...
Latter-day Saint twin siblings, age 13, talk about feeling closer to God and discovering the “spiritual power” of temple and ...
Chakra in Naruto is a substance from combining physical and mental energy that allows jutsu. Chakra comes from Chakra Fruits ...