The researchers designed an efficient approach for fabricating engineered Pts-based nano-aircraft carriers with graded drug ...
A collaborative research team from The University of Hong Kong (HKU) and West China Hospital of Sichuan University has made a ...
为探究结直肠癌(CRC)肿瘤微环境(TME)的异质性,研究人员分析 ECM,确定其细胞起源及与预后关系,意义重大。
Hyaluronidase naturally degrades hyaluronic acid, leading to issues with cells that produce myelin (the protective sheath ...
A recent article in Small highlights a new method for studying tumor cell interactions and testing anti-metastatic drugs through the development of an Under-oil Open Microfluidic System (UOMS).
Tumors are held together by a structure called the extracellular matrix (ECM) that acts like the scaffolding around a building under construction. A team from The Institute of Cancer Research ...
Understanding the molecular cross-talk that occurs within the microenvironment between tumor cells and the ECM/other stromal cells may point to opportunities for cotargeting of the tumor and ...
Plectin drives hepatocellular carcinoma progression and metastasis through cytoskeletal reorganization and oncogenic signaling, making it a promising therapeutic target for overcoming therapy ...
Professor Yuxiong Su, Professor Gao Zhang and Professor Jingya Pu. A collaborative research team from The University of Hong ...
"Our work focused on fundamental understanding of ultrasound-mediated cancer cell killing and the effect of the ECM binding spacing on it," explains S Manasa Veena, Ph.D. student in BE and first ...