Department of Homeland Security Secretary and ‘ICE Barbie’ Kristi Noem is living up to her job’s billing, taking on no less ...
What started as a teaser video turned out to be a new family of missiles that Lockheed plans to develop. Naval News asked ...
Gender inequalities in emotional health among young people are context dependent and might be preventable through social and structural change.
又一轮产品潮。 文/秋秋 统计完500款国产新品后,我悬着的心终于放下了。 选题开始前,我对2025年的市场预期很保守。 一是国内市场刚好处于爆发潮后的真空期:前脚《黑神话:悟空》《燕云十六声》《三角洲行动》等热门产品刚刚上线,后面《影之刃零》《昭和米国物语》等大作尚未快速接棒,中间新游开测或上线也多不及预期,更别提还有无数新品倒在了黎明前。 二是2023年我们统计过480款产品储备。到如今,上线 ...