Anuradha is classified as Mandaksha Nakshatra. For nakshatras under Mandaksha Nakshatra, the lost articles are taken towards South side and are got back soon with somewhat more efforts. The Nakshatras ...
Yesterday, she (my wife) gave birth to triplets ... that they could be reached at 07032627827 for any assistance. Uthman, a Mass Communication graduate from Ahmadu Bello University, Zaria ...
The family of Ajele Oloyede, an operative of the Nigeria Police Force, was plunged into mourning on Thursday following his death from a self-inflicted gunshot wound in the Igbesa area of Ogun ...
If a medical professional’s error injures a child shortly before, during, or after delivery, their family may be able to file a birth injury lawsuit to pursue ...
Can You Get Birth Control Over the Counter? If you want to avoid pregnancy without a prescription from your doctor, you can buy several types of birth control over the counter — including ...
For nakshatras under Mandaksha Nakshatra, the lost articles are taken towards South side and are got back soon with somewhat more efforts. Use the form below to choose the Date for which you need to ...
Different types of birth control start working to prevent pregnancy at different times. Birth control pills can take up to a week to start working, while barrier methods like condoms start working ...
Hormonal birth control can cause fatigue or make you feel tired. However, this is typically temporary. Hormonal birth control can come with several benefits. As well as preventing pregnancy ...
The microdata is based on information abstracted from birth certificates filed in vital statistics offices of each State and District of Columbia. Other available birth data are Birth Cohort Linked ...
People who use birth control but want to become pregnant typically have questions about when they'll be fertile again. The answers will likely depend on the method you use and your overall health ...
Birth rates in Nigeria have fluctauted in some states of the federation in the past three years. Investigation by LEADERSHIP Sunday revealed that the new trend is a significant shift in the ...