Vivaldi Technologies has announced a new partnership with Proton AG that will integrate the free version of Proton VPN into ...
Struggling to choose between DNS and VPN? Here is the guide showing the differences between them and helping you choose one ...
With increasingly advanced attacks on cybersecurity appearing all the time, it’s now pretty much essential to add effective ...
Do you need a VPN? We'd say yes if you need additional privacy and peace of mind. Determine if you really need a VPN by ...
Likewise, Private Internet Access may not be the fastest VPN or boast all the bells and whistles of its competitors, but it ...
It’s not entirely perfect, and the price point differences between the monthly and annual subscription tiers lead to mild ...
When you access a streaming platform, it checks your IP address against the list it holds, and if matches, you'll probably ...
There are still sites around the globe that have not made the switch to HTTPS (Secure HTTP). If you have one or more of those sites in your daily rotation, you should consider using your VPN to access ...
These best VPN services provide you with a new IP address through a secure server, making it seem like you’re in your chosen location. Methodology To compile this list, we reviewed the top ...
View now View at Proton VPN Virtual private networks (VPNs) encrypt your data and hide your IP address. But there is far more to VPNs than that: They are essential security tools to stop others ...