Barclays upgraded Relx (RELX) to Overweight from Equal Weight with a price target of 4,275 GBp, up from 4,220 GBp. The company “offers reliable growth in an environment where relative safe ...
RELX opened at $48.99 on Friday. Relx has a twelve month low of $40.25 and a twelve month high of $51.99. The firm has a market cap of $91.04 billion, a PE ratio of 26.34, a price-to-earnings ...
Enter RELX (LSE: REL), a FTSE 100 company worth £66 billion. It supplies global customers in a diverse set of professions and businesses with information-based analytics and decision-making tools.
If you want to know who really controls RELX PLC (LON:REL), then you'll have to look at the makeup of its share registry. The group holding the most number of shares in the company, around 74% to ...