Cry anime premieres April, featuring Evanescence’s new song “Afterlife” and an all-star cast. The first season will be 8 ...
There has been no news regarding Devil May Cry 6, but the upcoming Netflix series could signal the series' eventual and ...
Cry fans are excited to watch the anime series on Netflx and some of them are hoping for the introduction of Nero in the storyline.
Cry series is all ready to become the greatest video game adaptation but it will need to add Sparda's sealed power in the ...
Cry is gearing up for its worldwide debut with Netflix not long from now, and the anime is teaming up with rock group ...
Hope you’ve been watching anime on Netflix, because there’s plenty more coming this year. Since this weekend is AnimeJapan, ...
Dante the Devil Hunter is making his way from consoles to Netflix as next month, Devil May Cry will arrive with a new animated adaptation on the streaming service. Arriving on April 3rd, the English ...
It was both a pleasure and an honor to work with him." Bosch shared, "It was an honor to work alongside Kevin Conroy for the upcoming DMC series. A true legend. 'Batman: The Animated Series ...
距离但丁带着《鬼泣》照亮我们的影视画面还有不到一个月的时光。为了庆祝这一天的到来,Netflix推出了一部全新预告片,拉开了盛大的序幕。视频中的白发恶魔猎人不仅在与邪恶魔鬼及其他猎人展开激烈对抗,还在努力拯救人类与恶魔的世界,俨然与整个世界为敌。我们 ...