The purpose of this study is to report the computed tomography (CT) features of cecal volvulus and to determine the accuracy of CT in distinguishing the three pathophysiological types of cecal ...
Abdominal CT revealed a twist of mesentery around the axis of the superior mesenteric artery (figure 1) and poor contrast-enhanced bowel loops (figure 2). Emergent laparotomy showed that the small ...
Sigmoid volvulus is a rare and potentially life-threatening condition that is usually seen in adults, however, when diagnosed in children, it is often associated with Hirschsprung's disease (HD). We ...
Some rates use different ages or coverage limits. Travelers and State Farm offer the best combination of dependable customer service and cheap rates in Connecticut. Both companies offer online quotes, ...
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A car was pulled from the Connecticut River in Middletown on Wednesday afternoon. Police began a search for a vehicle when they received a report on Tuesday night that someone drove a vehicle into ...
Testing may include: Blood tests such as a complete blood count to check for infection or blood loss A pregnancy test Imaging tests such as a computed tomography (CT) scan to look at your abdominal ...
For six years, the Connecticut Sun knocked on the door of WNBA immortality. No matter their roster or postseason draw, the Sun made six straight trips to the WNBA semifinals, a streak eclipsed ...
Comparison of laparoscopic radiofrequency ablation with percutaneous radiofrequency ablation in the treatment of chronic hepatitis B-related hepatocellular carcinoma involving specific sites: A ...
Patrick’s Day parades, dance shows, races and crawls are set to take place across Connecticut! The holiday, a celebration of Irish heritage and culture, honors the patron saint of Ireland.