Vermintide 2 is seven years old, when that's so clearly the length of time that has passed since Left4Dead 2 launched. Sadly, Steam, the calendar, and indeed the universe all state that I am wrong, so ...
Welcome to another issue of Outside the Box! This week with news from Archon Studio, TT Combat, Mad Robot Miniatures, Asmodee ...
Warhammer 40K and Doom are a match made in heaven; Boltgun is proof of that. If splatting rats in the Vermintide Warhammer games isn’t quite the smiting you had in mind, you’ll be pleased to ...
Mortis Trials will see players stack unique buffs over 12 waves of heretic-slaying carnage.
In Warhammer 40k Tacticus, Earth has been ravaged by war, with dozens of factions locked in an endless struggle for power and dominion. A few chosen warriors managed to emerge out of the fog of ...
Games Workshop took the opportunity of a mass audience to reveal new miniatures and updates to Warhammer 40,ooo. This year, the Space Wolves are getting some love. The Space Wolves are one of the ...
This arrangement, with daemons and mortal followers of a specific god in one army list, is similar to how chaos forces are organised in Warhammer Age of Sigmar armies – and Age of Sigmar does not have ...
Warhammer: Vermintide 2's 7th anniversary celebration is now live. If you hop on and kill some rats from now until the 16th of March, you'll benefit from double XP, and can gain a couple of new ...
Assorted Notes from the Unearthly Archive,' 'Into the Unknown,' and Cyberpunk backgrounds are all in this week's 5E ...
Before Space Marine 2 stomped onto our PCs in 2024, Warhammer 40k Darktide was my go-to for futuristic Chaos-smashing action, and the co-op FPS game still feels the most replayable of its ilk ...