On March 24, at the annual Rencontres de Moriond conference taking place in La Thuile, Italy, the LHCb collaboration at CERN ...
In a new development at CERN, researchers at the LHCb collaboration have determined the spin-parity of singly heavy charm ...
For the first time, physicists have spotted a difference in the way matter and antimatter baryons decay, which could help to ...
A new analysis of astronomical data suggests unknown physics is at work assisting dark energy in acting almost as ...
Baryon Mode is like nuclear fusion, Naruto's power vs. Isshiki Otsutsuki. (96 characters) Himawari could use Baryon Mode more effectively due to synergy with Kurama. (84 characters) Naruto may ...
近日,国际粒子物理界爆出了一个大新闻。3月21日,在上传到预印版平台arXiv的一篇文章中,LHCB(大型强子对撞机底夸克实验合作组)报道了观察到重子衰变中的电荷宇称对称性破缺(Observation of charge-parity ...