A $1-billion arms sale to Israel proposed by President Donald Trump has reportedly been put on hold in Congress during a ...
Brian Mast said Gregory Meeks paused a $1 billion arms sale to Israel as Benjamin Netanyahu visited Donald Trump at the White House on Tuesday.
Article Sources Investopedia requires writers to use primary sources to support their work. These include white papers, government data, original reporting, and interviews with industry experts. We ...
The summer festival will also feature Chicago house music icons Green Velvet and Gene Farris, among other influential DJs.
Congress has placed a hold on a $1 billion arms sale package for Israel that was readied alongside President Trump welcoming ...
The meeting has raised alarm for human rights advocates. In a statement on Tuesday, Amnesty International condemned the U.S.
The use of commercial livestock dewormers has paid off in terms of animal health and productivity, but it has also resulted ...
The new arms request would be paid for from the $3.3 billion in annual U.S. military aid to Israel, and comes as Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu visits Washington, where he is scheduled to ...
The Trump administration has asked congressional leaders to approve new transfers of roughly $1 billion worth of bombs and ...
The Trump administration has asked congressional leaders to approve new transfers of roughly US$1 billion worth of bombs and other military hardware to Israel at a time when the White House is working ...
The White House has requested that congressional leaders approve new transfers of about $1B worth of bombs and other military equipment to ...