In part one of this series on the new English translation of the Roman Missal, we looked at the way that beauty reveals God and how it lifts our hearts to offer Him fitting worship and praise.
a prayer that some non-Catholics criticize for being directed to Mary rather than to God. Part of the problem is that they presume that all prayer is worship, which we agree should only be directed to ...
Starting your day with morning prayer is one of the most ... You are worthy of all praise and worship. You are my strength and my protection. Keep my family and me safe at all times, Lord, especially ...
White, foundress of the Seventh Day Adventist ... the worship of statues?" If God condemns the divine worship of statues, then the Catholic division scheme is justified since these images would ...
Where is our heart of worship? Take attending a church service on a Sunday morning for example. We see rain, and we easily decide to stay in bed instead of attending church. We can spend days lining ...
The Bible offers guidance, starting with the idea that "the prayer of the righteous avails much." Righteousness, as seen in Abraham’s quick repentance or Job’s humility before God, isn’t about ...
Today’s nugget: Sin is a big hindrance to increasing in God’s presence. Prayer: Lord purge me of every sin that is hindering divine presence in me.
and one of the more frequent is whether God really listens and answers prayer. We know He answers every request because of His promise in I John 5:14-15. “And this is the confidence that we have ...
Joyce, a staunch Christian who worships at the Lavington Seventh-Day Adventist ... her crestfallen. “God, what is this I did that deserves such punishment? Don’t I worship you?