From the untouched reefs of Lakshadweep to the thrilling wreck dives in Goa, dive straight into the adventure at these scuba ...
A WW2 Baltimore attack bomber aircraft wreck belonging to the Royal Australian Air Force was discovered off the coast of ...
LOCAL diver and underwater photographer Dr Mark Spencer spoke to an audience of 90 people at the National Marine Science ...
At the heart of the battle against the U-boat killing machines of the Kriegsmarine – the German navy - was a small city in ...
Australia's Air Force Baltimore bomber, which was lost during WWII, has been discovered off the island of Antikythera in ...
The Olympic Class ships were intended to be the greatest liners to ever sail the oceans, but the Britannic sank only four ...
Barbados Blue Watersports and Eco Dive Grenada were started by marine biologists with a vision for promoting marine ...
The USS Nevada served in World War I and World War II and sat off Bikini Atoll in July 1946 during atomic bomb tests, ...
Enthusiastic participants, fascinating photography subjects, and unforgettable diving experiences – following the great ...