A flock of white egrets fly into the blue sky. It will fall when comes spring. Mute, it wets everything. How many are the fallen flowers?
听闻油菜花的盛开,令人不禁联想到油菜花田那一片片金灿灿的景象。或许你曾听过这样一句话:"The rapeseed flowers are in full bloom."(油菜花盛开了)。走在油菜花的海洋中,仿佛置身于一个无边无际的金色梦境中,正如那句“I was stunned by miles of rapeblossoms.”(我被无边的油菜花惊艳了)。
80余亩黄花风铃木!云南人又要在朋友圈凡尔赛了! #来云南旅居吧 #来红河我氧你 #Yunnanlifestyle Over 80 acres of yellow-flowered bluebells! Yunnan folks are about to show off in their friend circles again! #ComeStayInYunnan ...
国清寺是一个让人卸下烦忧、回归心灵的地方。这里远离尘世喧嚣,只有葱郁掩映的古朴黄墙,弥漫着花香和禅香。移步异景,满是“深山藏古寺”的清幽意境,让人情不自禁放慢脚步,屏住呼吸,在一刹那间感受到心灵的宁静与释然。Guoqing Temple is a ...