目前缺乏关于 Agouti-Related Protein (25-51) (Human) 的高分辨率结构解析数据。不过,作为刺鼠相关蛋白(AGRP)的 N 端 25-51 片段,AGRP 完整蛋白含有 132 个氨基酸,加工成熟后含 112 个氨基酸,其二级结构主要由无规卷曲和折叠成胱氨酸结基序的 β- 折叠构成 ,推测 (25-51 ...
Click your choice to see results and speak your mind. Scientists tapped into a gene mutation in the calcium-signaling pathway of plants to enhance endosymbiosis. This approach was successful in ...
NOVA1 is just one piece of a much larger puzzle. Language likely arose from mutations in hundreds of genes, as well as anatomical changes in the throat and brain. It’s most likely that ...
These findings set the stage for the current studies, which provide the first molecular pictures of KBTBD4 targeting the CoREST complex through interactions induced by both cancer mutations and a ...