We don't know when skate. is launching into early access, but you can be extra sure it'll have freemium currency to buy when ...
The long-awaited skateboarding sim Skate from Electronic Arts is almost here, with an early-access release scheduled for spring. But eager gamers can shred even earlier. A closed playtest is ...
The next game in the Skate franchise, which I have been waiting years for, has been ruined by EA already, and it isn’t even out yet.
The new skate game is planned to be a free-to-play title, which means microtransactions are its only revenue source.
我们早些时候报道,在距离游戏正式发布还有很长时间的封闭 Alpha 测试期间,EA 已经向其实时服务滑板游戏《Skate.》中添加了微交易系统。日前 ...
EA has added microtransactions to Skate during its latest alpha test ... The developer officially revealed the name of the game would be ‘skate.’ back in 2022, alongside confirmation it would release ...
EA's upcoming Skate reboot has added microtransactions to its ongoing closed alpha test. It has already been confirmed that ...
EA’s upcoming Skate reboot doesn’t yet have a release date, but its early access build does already have microtransactions.
but EA quickly moved on from the genre. As we learned in Thursday's inaugural episode of "The Board Room," the new Skate won't cost players a dime to play up front. And as the in-game map grows ...
Players looking forward to Electronic Arts’ upcoming free-to-play skateboarding game Skate were probably excited recently after receiving an email for its playtest. Currently, skaters selected ...
According to Insider Gaming, microtransactions became available with the latest update for Skate. They're called San Van ...