The hatchling of bald eagles Jackie and Shadow died during a recent storm, the operators of the livestream tracking the birds ...
The Friends of Big Bear Valley live camera stream of three eaglets has many followers concerned after noticing one eaglet has ...
The missing eaglet born to a popular Southern California eagle couple died in a recent winter storm, the nonprofit that owns ...
Three eaglets came into to the world in early March in the California mountains and seemed to be thriving. Tragically, one of ...
Bella and Scout have been "diligently incubating their three eggs" for more than five weeks now in Shepherdstown as fans ...
One of three eaglets belonging to Jackie and Shadow, the stars of Big Bear Lake's eagle nest cam in California, has sadly ...
On Friday morning, the Friends of Big Bear Valley live camera showed the baby eaglets in their nest, but one of the three ...
A bald eagle in a nest atop a tree overlooking Big Bear Lake in the San Bernardino Mountains in southern Calif., on Feb. 29, ...
Concern turned to grief this weekend as fans of Big Bear's beloved bald eagle couple Shadow and Jackie learned one of the ...
The Friends of Big Bear Valley said in a social media post that the eaglet passed away sometime after an evening feeding on March 13 because that was the last time all three eaglets were seen ...
The missing eaglet born to a popular Southern California eagle couple died in a recent winter storm, the nonprofit that owns and operates the eagles' nest cameras said Saturday. Jackie and Shadow ...