In a novel study, researchers from several European universities have used virtual reality gaming to study brain network ...
Figure 6: Impact of VN Gradients on Intra-Cortical FC Matrices. (a) The panels from left to right display the intra-cortical FC matrix derived from VN fMRI, the intra-cortical FC matrix derived from ...
研究人员为了探究 OCN 对野生型小鼠大脑的影响,采用了多参数磁共振成像(Magnetic Resonance Imaging,MRI)技术,其中包括药理学 MRI(pharmacological MRI,phMRI)和静息态功能 MRI(resting state functional MRI,rs - fMRI),同时结合 Gpr37 和 Gpr158 基因表达数据进行分析。实验选用雌性 ...
It’s not that you don’t have memories from infancy — it’s that you simply can’t access them later in life, new research shows ...
Our earliest years are a time of rapid learning, yet we typically cannot recall specific experiences from that period -- a ...
Once they collected the initial data, the team analyzed fMRI scans of babies who looked at the familiar image longer, comparing them to those who had no preference. Trials were excluded if the ...
"Analyzing hippocampus activationOnce they collected the initial data, the team analyzed fMRI scans of babies who looked at the familiar image longer, comparing them with those who had no preference.
所有受试者都接受了 3.0T 静息态功能磁共振成像(Resting-State Functional Magnetic Resonance Imaging,rs-fMRI)扫描 ... 17 个),并将其设定为种子点来进行全脑功能连接(Functional Connectivity,FC)分析。对于分类变量,研究人员采用卡方检验评估组间差异;对于连续变量 ...