Dr. Flavio Rocha is part of a team of OHSU surgeons who are making surgery an option for more pancreatic cancer patients than ever. Pancreatic cancer starts when cells grow out of control in the ...
More than 67,000 Americans will be diagnosed with pancreatic cancer this year. Learn more about the disease and how PanCAN can help.
A few rare types of pancreatic cancer cause hormonal imbalances that produce their own symptoms, which might include: ...
Pancreatic cancer has a low survival rate and is usually found too late — this new test may help change that Getty Researchers have developed an inexpensive blood test that they say can detect p ...
The new blood-based assay PAC-MANN-1 (protease activity–based cancer marker using magnetic nanosensor-1) identified pancreatic ductal adenocarcinoma (PDAC) across all stages with high ...
It uncovered something worrisome. “I had a mass on my pancreas,” he says. “The doctor there was not ready to tell me I had pancreatic cancer.” The following day, he underwent an MRI ...
Previously, the opioid analgesic drug JCT801 was reported to induce cell death via disruption of pH homeostasis in pancreatic cancer cells. Here, the authors investigate the metabolic mechanisms ...
To evaluate if an unfavorable maternal environment induced by hyperglycemia, hypoxia, and oxidative stress status impairs the morphological development of pancreatic islets in the fetuses on days 18 ...
Pancreatic cancer is a highly malignant tumor known for its extremely low survival rate. The combination of genetic disorders within pancreatic cells and the tumor microenvironment contributes to the ...
糖尿病是一类由胰岛素分泌不足或胰岛素抵抗引起的代谢性疾病。通常分为1 型糖尿病(type 1 diabetes mellitus ,T1DM )、T2DM 、妊娠糖尿病和其他原因导致的特定类型糖尿病。其中,T1DM 和T2DM是目前最常见的糖尿病类型。糖尿病发病机制复杂,包括胰岛β细胞功能 ...
2005). Another study showed that streptozotocin-induced diabetes in rats is reversed by betacellulin and pancreatic duodenal homeobox-1 treatment using gene therapy (Chen et al., 2007). In a different ...