In response to questions about the future, Pulisic did not shy away from expressing his unwavering belief that Milan is his career destination. "I am 100% sure. I feel the full trust and support of ...
The upcoming Serie A showdown between Atalanta and Inter Milan promises to be a thrilling match that fans should not underestimate. Both teams come into this fixture with impressive performances under ...
根据Milan News的报道,在意甲第29轮米兰主场对阵科莫的比赛中,米兰球迷进行了有组织的抗议活动。在比赛结束后,米兰全队未向球迷致意。
È la grande occasione dell'Atalanta di Gasperini che oggi dà l'assalto alla capolista Inter e allo scudetto. Ma il Napoli ...
盖世汽车讯 日前,德国汽车制造商宝马集团公布,2024年,其营收同比下降8.4%至1,423.80亿欧元;税前利润同比下降约35.8%至109.71亿欧元;净利润同比下降36.9%至76.78亿欧元。
孔塞桑 表示:“进球无论何时都价值连城。我们的对手科莫实力强劲,尽管本场比赛我们开局不错,但在错失2-3次良机后,科莫先拔头筹,我们一度陷入全面被动。通过调整,下半场虽不完美,但我们仍打入两球。替补球员的全力付出让我欣慰,这展现了球队的凝聚力。” ...
美国时装品牌Tadashi Shoji(塔达希)2025年春夏季秀场 ...