In an increasingly interconnected world, international diplomacy plays a crucial role in resolving conflicts. The upcoming summit in Paris next Thursday, organized by President Emmanuel Macron, marks ...
The new round of talks between Russian and US delegations concluded here on Monday after some 12 hours, according to Russian ...
MOSCOW, March 23 (Xinhua) -- Kremlin spokesman Dmitry Peskov said on Sunday that achieving a ceasefire in the Russia-Ukraine ...
斯塔默谈到俄罗斯总统弗拉基米尔·普京时说:“迟早,他必须坐到谈判桌前。”俄罗斯于2022年2月24日入侵乌克兰。 Earlier, U.S. President Donald Trump urged Moscow to accept a ...
Moscow and Washington have a mutual desire to move forward with efforts to resolve the Ukraine crisis, Kremlin spokesman ...
特朗普表示:“有些人说,美国应该拥有发电厂,然后以这种方式运作,因为我们拥有修复等方面的专业知识。所以,好吧,这样做我没意见。但他们特别谈到了大型核电站的所有权问题。但所有这些问题都会出现,而且已经出现了。而且已经讨论过了......” ...
“There is no overcapacity in China. There is just great capacity, and that great capacity can be harnessed for the sake of the entire world.” Jeffrey Sachs, the professor at Columbia University accept ... — 据俄罗斯总统弗拉基米尔·普京周四宣布,俄罗斯计划在北极地区增派军事人员。普京表示,此举旨在保护俄罗斯在该地区的利益。 AI: I’ve translated the article about Russia increasing its military presence in the Arctic as announced by President Putin.
美国总统特朗普的谈判能力显然正不断在乌克兰议题上面对现实的挑战。美国主导的新一波沙特会谈自23日启动两天之后,25日传出的唯一最新消息是俄罗斯不仅愿意继续与美国直接商谈乌克兰议题,而且愿意让联合国参与谈判进程。俄方谈判代表之一、现任联邦委员会议员卡拉 ...