Teen mile sensation Sam Ruthe faces a "no-lose" proposition this weekend, when he lines up in the strongest field of his ...
Sam Ruthe is now the youngest person ever to run a sub-four minute mile at 15-years old. The New Zealand teen broke the ...
15岁的新西兰运动员Sam Ruthe在周三创造历史,成为有史以来最年轻的四分钟一英里跑者。他在奥克兰的Go Media体育场,以3分58秒35的成绩完成比赛。这一成绩让他在16岁生日前夕,成为田径史上最年轻的“4分钟俱乐部”成员。
15-year-old New Zealand athlete Sam Ruthe became the youngest person ever to run a sub-four-minute mile on Wednesday. Ruthe ...
在新西兰的田径史上,3月19日标志着一项伟大的成就:15岁的萨姆·鲁斯(Sam Ruthe)在ACA一英里赛中,以3分58.35秒的成绩成功突破了“一英里破四分”的历史大关,成为历史上最年轻达成此项成就的选手。这个里程碑不仅重塑了他个人的最佳成绩,也让全球田径界为之一振。萨姆的表现超越了2017年由挪威选手雅各布·英格布里格森创造的纪录,后者当时年龄16岁,以3分58.07秒的成绩荣耀登场。
New Zealand’s middle-distance prodigy Sam Ruthe has become the youngest person in history to break the four-minute-mile ...
At 15, Tauranga’s Sam Ruthe is the youngest person in history to run a four-minute mile – but that doesn’t mean his coach is ...
New Zealand athlete Sam Ruthe made history on Wednesday as he became the youngest person to run a sub-four-minute mile. Ruthe, who turns 16 in mid-April, ran a time of 3:58.35 at Go Media Stadium ...
New Zealander Sam Ruthe became the youngest athlete to run a sub-four minute mile when he broke the mark Tuesday 24 days ...
Fresh off his world-record sub-four-minute mile, New Zealand teen running sensation Sam Ruthe is already looking ahead to his next challenge next weekend. Ruthe, 15, became the youngest runner to ...
Ruthe surged over the line in 3 mins 58.35 secs at Mount Smart Stadium in Auckland on Wednesday evening, driven on by his ...
Tauranga teenager Sam Ruthe has become the youngest runner to break four minutes for the mile, with a 3m 58.35s performance ...