H, but it’s only one piece of the program. In counties across the state, 4-H is offering more participants more programs in ...
Purdue Extension is a service tailored to meet the needs of Indiana, needs we know firsthand. Our educators, specialists, and volunteers live and work in all 92 Indiana counties. We provide the link ...
Purdue Extension’s Scott Gabbard had known Mike and Anngie Steinbarger since their daughters Hayley and Michelle — now married with children of their own — were youngsters. He has known Michelle’s ...
This program covers multiple aspects of a successful farmers market for both market managers and market vendors. Content includes market regulations, food safety, liability, sustaining a stable market ...
Growing communities means growing job needs and opportunities. Across its four program areas, Purdue Extension is helping the Hoosier workforce adapt traditional skills and build new ones.
Above: An elm-lined street in St. Paul, MN, before most of the trees were killed by Dutch Elm Disease. Although the American elm persists in forests and pockets of cities and towns, Dutch Elm Disease ...
In these 2-hour sessions you will learn how to navigate food safety regulations, understand legal issues of markets, improve market stability, offer food assistance programs, manage conflict, and more ...
Come out and enjoy our fun filled farm animal meeting on March 13th at 4:30pm! Meet new friends and get to know other 4-Hers! Hope to see you all there!
Parke Gardening Purdue Extension Parke County and Rockville Rotary present Parke Gardening Details May 8, 2025 ...