The Medicare Prescription Payment Plan can help patients spread out the cost of a prescription. Create a brief handout and phone script to explain deductibles and “smoothing.” We’re still in the first ...
TV watching in excess of 1 hour per day was associated with increased risk for atherosclerotic heart disease, independent of ...
Multivitamin and cocoa extract supplements do not protect against clinical fractures for older adults, according to data ...
A greater proportion of U.S. adults said treating sleep apnea was “extremely” or “moderately” important vs. “minimally” or “not at all important,” according to survey data from the National Sleep ...
In Midwest grocery stores, various allergen-free foods, including gluten-free bread, dairy-free ice cream and sunflower butter, cost more on average per ounce vs. allergen-containing items, according ...
In response to the insightful cover story, “‘A potent medicine’: In matters of pain and trust, empathy may make all the difference,” published in the Healio Rheumatology January 2025 issue, I would ...
A novel, rapid blood test demonstrated potential for detecting early-stage pancreatic cancer, according to results of a ...
Men who experience acute adverse effects after radiation therapy for prostate cancer may be at higher risk for more serious ...
Results showed white patients were more likely to undergo total hip arthroplasty for displaced femoral neck fracture compared with historically underrepresented groups, who were more likely to undergo ...
Use of an aragonite-based scaffold for the treatment of chondral or osteochondral defects of the knee had superior outcomes compared with debridement or microfracture at 4-year follow-up, according to ...
HIV incidence in sub-Saharan Africa has declined substantially, according to both UNAIDS estimates and empirical data pulled ...
The American Academy of Dermatology annual meeting was packed with “massive advancements” across the field, Joel M. Gelfand, ...