塔塔咨询服务(Tata Consultancy Services,简称TCS)是一家提供IT咨询、服务和商业解决方案的公司。TCS在过去的50多年中持续同许多全球化大企业合作,助力其业务转型之旅。TCS提供一整套以咨询为主导的、以认知为驱动的商业、技术和工程服务与解决方案,并通过TCS ...
TCS研究发现,面对不断演变的网络威胁,企业需聚焦构建适应复杂威胁环境的韧性能力 全球领先的IT服务、咨询与商业解决方案企业塔塔咨询服务公司(TCS)近日发布了《2025年网络安全展望》。这份由TCS专家团队编制的趋势报告指出,生成式人工智能(GenAI ...
Join us at the event and explore how AI-powered solutions enable smart manufacturing and transform supply chain, engineering, ...
Lenders must transform digitally to survive in today’s rapidly evolving competitive market by addressing customer expectations, discusses Karthik Kumar, Global Head Mortgage Practice, TCS and leading ...
We have defined an IP strategy with a view to building an effective portfolio and plan to monetise going forward,” said Ananth Krishnan, Chief Technology Officer, TCS. With an IP strategy in place, ...
In an interview with Knowledge@Wharton, N Chandra, CEO and MD, TCS, talks about how the 'Digital Five Forces' (mobility, big data, social media, cloud computing and robotics) are changing the way TCS ...
We have sent you a copy of the report to your email again. 製造業では、サプライチェーンや生産ラインから得る膨大なデータが重要な資産である一方、非構造化データが散在し、知見の継承や業務の効率向上を阻む課題となっています。特に、文書化されていない暗黙知 ...
Featured article in The Manila Times, a leading Philippines publication, TCS Philippines country manager, Vikram Singh explains how success is a 2-way street for TCS. According to Vikram, the key to ...
New strategy to diversify revenues and risks, expand business in emerging markets and explore new sources of talent New Unit will focus on emerging markets across Eastern Europe, Middle East, Africa ...
Once upon a time, most people contacted customer service by telephone. Just 10 years ago, smartphones were in their infancy, social media was for kids, and it was rare for anyone to use email to ...
Healthcare is undergoing a revolution. New technology and enhanced computer power are now aiding everything from how we find and develop drugs to how those drugs get delivered. But it’s not just the ...