Superbad has enough in it to make it a risqué comedy, but distributing studio Sony Pictures didn't have an issue with the ...
Superbad director Seth Rogen details an amusing rule from Sony that restricted Jonah Hill's character from using a ...
Seth Rogen recently shared how Sony—the very studio that produced the iconic 2007 comedy Superbad—refused to let Jonah Hill’s character interact with a PlayStation console during filming. The ironic ...
In a recent interview with Rotten Tomatoes, Seth Rogen reveals how Sony had a major issue with Jonah Hill using a PlayStation in Superbad.
The raunchy 2007 comedy "Superbad" helped make the careers of Jonah Hill ... longtime writer partner Evan Goldberg. Sony was quite insistent that Hill's character could not even touch a PlayStation.
It's hardly a secret that corporations are fiercely protective of how their precious brands are depicted in entertainment ...