The 7- to 9-week-old cubs were seen without their mother on March 6 in the U.P. They were hunted out of existence in the ...
It’s pretty exciting, considering this could be the first known cougar reproduction in modern times in the western Great ...
The British zoo-bred wild cat has been selected as a candidate ... For Newquay Zoo, which has successfully bred several lynx cubs over the past decade, participation in the Linking Lynx project ...
By Betsy Bloom Iron Mountain Daly News The recent news that cougar cubs had turned up in the Upper Peninsula — Michigan’s ...
A young lynx who was born and raised in captivity in Newquay Zoo will be the first UK zoo-bred cat to be released into the wild as part of an international programme. The nine-month-old lynx has been ...
Two mountain lion cubs have been photographed in Michigan, a state where the big cats were hunted to near extinction and their young haven’t been seen in the wild in over 100 years. The Michigan ...
One of two cougar cubs photographed in Michigan ... hunted to near extinction and their young haven’t been seen in the wild in over 100 years. The Michigan Department of Natural Resources ...