Ownership of American bully XL dogs is restricted under the Dangerous Dogs Act 1991. Since 31 December 2023, it has been ...
She entered a field and her dog was attacked by the suspected XL bully, which was not on a lead. Her dog died at the scene ...
A caravan park worker has been left with permanent scars on his leg after the XL Bully dog pounced on him as he looked at gas ...
A JOGGER rammed by an out-of-control XL Bully dog was left so badly injured she might never run again.  Sophie Lindsay, 41, ...
A mother has received a suspended prison sentence after her XL bully attacked a maintenance man at a caravan park. Vanessa ...
Zahra Baqri, prosecuting, described how he "genuinely felt scared for his life" as the XL bully "repeatedly bit into his ...
Thames Valley Police is investigating after a suspected off-leash XL Bully attacked and killed a woman's mall white schnauzer and poodle mixed-breed in Banbury, Oxfordshire ...
Police have seized an XL Bully after a driver abandoned his vehicle and left the dog behind. Staffordshire Police's Road ...
Vanessa Brennan "played down the incident" to detectives and accused the victim of "trying to hit the dog with a stick" ...
As the inquest opened into the tragic death of Morgan Dorsett, a criminologist has warned members of the public to remain ...
A TEENAGER who died in an XL bully dog attack sustained face and neck injuries, the opening of an inquest has heard. Morgan ...